Safe Drinking Water
Drinking water regulations require that all public water supply systems test for a variety of contaminants in drinking water. For many of the contaminants, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set enforceable standards for the maximum amount allowed in drinking water. These standards are based on possible health effects of consuming the water. The standards are known as maximum contaminant levels (MCLs), and are published as national primary drinking water regulations (NPDWR).
The MCLs are set at levels at which no significant health effects would occur if water was consumed for an entire lifetime. The MCLs are set by EPA, and then adopted by the State. The State must adopt MCL standards at least as stringent as EPA, but may adopt more stringent standards.
All water served by Hawaiian Beaches Water Company is tested in accordance with the Hawaii Department of Health and EPA regulations.
Water Quality Report
The Water Quality Report is also known as the “Consumer Confidence Report” (CCR) is provided to all of our water customers each summer. The CCR contains a wealth of information about your water quality.
This report does several things:
Discusses the source which supplies your water
Reports detected contaminants or elements in the water and ensures that your drinking water meets all safe drinking water standards
Explains terms used in the regulation of drinking water
Tells you where to go for additional information
Please click on the link below to download the current Consumer Confidence Report.
What You Can Do
Hawaiian Beaches is blessed with water that is among the best quality in the world. At Hawaiian Beaches Water Company, our job is to make sure it’s also the safest.
What we all do and the habits that we practice every day will determine both the quality of our water and the quantity available for our use. Monitoring the quality of our water won’t matter if we don’t take care of our environment as individuals and as a community. Protecting our water resources begins with protecting our environment. To learn more about how you can protect our water resources, check out some of the websites and resources below.
Hawaii State Department of Health Safe Drinking Water Branch
Hawaii State Department of Health Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Branch
State of Hawaii Department of Agriculture